Que direccion seria la correcta para poder actualizar mi nuevo sistema operativo Nova (en fase de pruebas por el momento) desde ese servidor teniendo en cuenta que desde el navegador web si me es posible entrar a dicho servidor que de hecho... descargue el ISO de ahi. He intentado poniendole "/" detras de nova para que me quede algo asi "nova/2011 main restricted universe multiverse" pero siempre vuelvo a obtener el mismo error que aqui les pongo a continuacion:
Esta es la configuracion de mi source.list:
Código: Seleccionar todo
deb http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova 2011 main restricted universe multiverse
Código: Seleccionar todo
neji@Maq3 ~ $ sudo apt-get update
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011 Release.gpg
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/ 2011/main Translation-en
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/ 2011/main Translation-es
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/ 2011/multiverse Translation-en
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/ 2011/multiverse Translation-es
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/ 2011/restricted Translation-en
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/ 2011/restricted Translation-es
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/ 2011/universe Translation-en
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/ 2011/universe Translation-es
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011 Release
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/main i386 Packages
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/restricted i386 Packages
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/universe i386 Packages
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/main i386 Packages
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/restricted i386 Packages
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/universe i386 Packages
Ign http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/multiverse i386 Packages
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/main i386 Packages
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/restricted i386 Packages
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/universe i386 Packages
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
Err http://download.jovenclub.cu 2011/multiverse i386 Packages
Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/Release.gpg Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/main/i18n/Translation-en.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/main/i18n/Translation-es.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/multiverse/i18n/Translation-en.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/multiverse/i18n/Translation-es.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/restricted/i18n/Translation-en.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/restricted/i18n/Translation-es.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/universe/i18n/Translation-en.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/universe/i18n/Translation-es.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
W: Imposible obtener http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/nova/dists/2011/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Something wicked happened resolving 'download.jovenclub.cu:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
E: Algunos archivos de índice no se han podido descargar, se han ignorado,
o se ha utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.
Si alguno de uds ha tenido el mismo error y lo ha podido solucionar sin tener que hacer un deb mirror y descargar el repositorio entero (unos 32 gb de informacion), por favor les pido que me digan como resolver porque ya yo he ido cambiando algunas cosas como quitar el openoffice 3.2 que viene por defecto y sustituirlo por el Libreoffice 3.4 que tengo aqui y que descargue desde el mismo sitio que les comento. Tambien he intentado configurar mi apt para que actualice a travez del proxy con la opcion adquire del apt.conf pero todos mis intentos han sido en vano.