Linus Torvalds considera a GNOME 3 un “Desastre Profano”

Apenas ayer leía en Phoronix como muchos usuarios de Ubuntu aún odian Unity, y hoy leo en Tech Drive-In que Linus Torvalds considera a GNOME 3 un “Desastre Profano”, y ahora usa Xfce.

Esto último lo mencionó en una interesante discusión en Google+, la cual les recomiendo lean, aunque aquí les dejo un resumen (en inglés, para no alterar la intención original):

“While you are at it, could you also fork gnome, and support a gnome2 environment?”

“I want my sane interfaces back. I have yet to meet anybody who likes the unholy mess that is gnome3.”

“It’s not that I have rendering problems with gnome3 (although I do have those too), it’s that the user experience of Gnome3 even without rendering problems is unacceptable.”

“Why can’t I have shortcuts on my desktop? Why can’t I have the expose functionality? Wobbly windows? Why does anybody sane think that it’s a good idea to have that go to the crazy ‘activities’ menu mode? I used to be upset when gnome developers decided it was ‘too complicated’ for the user to remap some mouse buttons. In gnome3, the developers have apparently decided that it’s ‘too complicated’ to actually do real work on your desktop, and have decided to make it really annoying to do.”

“I’m sure there are other ways, but that’s just an example of the kind of “head up the arse” behavior of gnome3. Seriously. I have been asking other developers about gnome3, they all think it’s crazy. I’m using Xfce. I think it’s a step down from gnome2, but it’s a huge step up from gnome3. Really.”

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