Bueno familia, ya resolvi el problema, tuve que ir al sitio oficial del proxmox y buscar en la wiki algo relacionado con el tema y aqui les muestro la socion.
Disculpen que esta en Ingles pero Google es un poco malo traduciendo OK.
Common configurations with virtual Ethernet devices
Module vzethdev must be loaded to operate with veth devices.
Simple configuration with virtual Ethernet device
Assuming that is being used on your LAN, the following sections show how to configure a container for the LAN using veth.
Start a CT
[host-node]# vzctl start 101
Add veth device to CT
[host-node]# vzctl set 101 --netif_add eth0 --save
This allocates a MAC address and associates it with the host eth0 port.
Configure devices in CT0
The following steps are needed when the CT is not bridged to a CT0 network interface. That is because the CT is connected to a virtual network that is "behind" CT0. CT0 must forward packets between its physical network interface and the virtual network interface where CT is located. The first step below to configure the interface is not necessary if the container has been started, since the device will have been initialized.
[host-node]# ifconfig veth101.0 0
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/veth101.0/forwarding
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/veth101.0/proxy_arp
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/forwarding
[host-node]# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/proxy_arp
Configure device in CT
The following steps show an example of a quick manual configuration of the CT network interface. Typically, you would configure the network settings in /etc/network/interfaces (Debian, see below) or however it is normally configured on your distribution. You can also comment or remove the configuration for venet0, if it exists, because that device will not be used.
[host-node]# vzctl enter 101
[ve-101]# /sbin/ifconfig eth0 0
[ve-101]# /sbin/ip addr add dev eth0
[ve-101]# /sbin/ip route add default dev eth0
Until you ifconfig eth0 it won't appear. When you do it will use the mac address netif_add added earlier is chosen to be an unrouteable private ip address. Where 101 reminds you that it is node 101.
The "ip route" tells all traffic to head to "device eth0"
In theory you could use dhcpd with OpenVZ and dhclient to pick up an DHCP address from your router instead of hardwiring it
http://openvz.org/pipermail/users/2005- ... 00020.html
Add route in CT0
Since CT0 is acting as a router between its physical network interface and the virtual network interface of the CT, we need to add a route to the CT to direct traffic to the right destination.
[host-node]# ip route add dev veth101.0
Fin 1ra parte